sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012


Gustav Mahler
Norman Foster, Bariton
Bamberger Symphoniker
Dir: Jascha Horenstein.

      A los mártires de Newtown, Connecticut. No existen palabras para describir el sentimiento. IN MEMORIAM.

13 comentarios:

Mahlerite-Shosta dijo...


quantum dijo...

Verdaderamente un desastre. Música acorde a este drama. Muchas gracias.

Anónimo dijo...

I have just found this blog.

Is there a password? I downloaded the Mahler, but it will not open.

Thank you for your help.


Mahlerite-Shosta dijo...

You don´t need any password. I´ll check the file out.

Mahlerite-Shosta dijo...

The download link and file seem to be OK. Try downloading again.

Anónimo dijo...

I've downloaded it twice, but I only get this message:
/MAHLER - KINDERTOTENLIEDER & LIEDER EINES FAHRENDEN GESELLEN - _nstein,Bamberger Symph.-N.Foster-B_-Bariton.rar is not RAR archive

Thank you for any ideas.


Anónimo dijo...

I seem to have solved the problem, though I do not understand it.

The file downloaded with an "rar" extension. UNRAR would not open it, gave the message I passed on before.

Today, I changed the extension from "rar" to "zip", and it worked perfectly.

Thank you for making it available. Best wishes for the holidays.


Mahlerite-Shosta dijo...

Glad to know it. Merry Christmas, Phil.

Peac dijo...

Hello! Thank you for the music!
Could you please reup this rare disc? Thanks!

Peac dijo...

Thank you for the music!
Would you please reup this rare disc? Regards

Peac dijo...

Hello, could you please reup this rare disc? Many thanks!

Mahlerite-Shosta dijo...

Hello, i don´t have the CD in hands right now... I´ll look for it and share as soon as possible.

Peac dijo...

Thank you so much!!! It would be great if you find it!!!
Again thanks for sharing. Regards!